Import the xml file into “Virtual Machine Manager”
Edit win2k12r2 machine in “Virtual Machine Manager”
Add new 25GB virtio storage drive. Make sure to change type from “IDE” to “VirtIO”.
Add cdrom drive connected to virtio-win.iso
Connect your install iso to CD-ROM1
change boot order make the install disc boot first.
Run the machine and install win2012r2 server! Be sure to click “Custom” when installing, so you can search the drivers CD for your virtual storage drivers.
Sorry, no instructions. Never flushed out the article. It works incredibly well though. I highly recommend it. I’ll try to finish it when I get some time.
I’m looking to do this on Ubuntu Server 16.04.
Are there cli instructions to accomplish this?
Sorry, no instructions. Never flushed out the article. It works incredibly well though. I highly recommend it. I’ll try to finish it when I get some time.