I’d like thank ANTHONY NGUYEN @ for the above article. It really widened my perspective with what could be done with voice commands and smart devices. =] That is where I was introduced to IFTTT, MQTT, and Home Assistant. By connecting them to Google Assistant, you can do ANYTHING with your voice. Like execute bash commands. Adding Discord into the mix you can have all responses read back to you. This allows you to have complete hands free control.
However, The following article is about a simpler way of controlling smart devices. Specifically, a waterproof thermometer, and a smart plug.
I purchased the Unibot WS1 Wireless sensor. Thus creating my own smart weather station that can automatically react to temperature, humidity, ambient light and vibration. The optional UbiBot DS18B20 waterproof sensor allows you to monitor the temperature of liquids as well. If we add a few smart plugs and relays in the mix it will then be able to turn on and off heaters (120v, 240v, 24v, or old millivolt systems), fans, AC, humidifiers, lights, and anything else that can be plugged in. I purchased the Simply because it was the least expensive smart plug on Amazon that was rated for 13 amps, and also supported IFTTT.
In my case, I’d like to use it to monitor my softub, and turn it off when it reaches a certain temperature. Normally this is accomplished by the integrated circuit of the hot tub. However, I had to bypass all that and wire the the 120v AC directly to the heat pump when my circuit boards kept burning out. This also allows me to create other conditions like only heat it during non-peak hours. I have PGE EV rates so it makes a HUGE difference when you use your power.

To accomplish all this I had to install the Ubitbot app, the smart life app. Then configure the two below cloud services:
If This Then That
IFTTT is the free way to do more with hundreds of the apps and devices you love, including Twitter, Dropbox, Evernote, Nest, Fitbit, Amazon Alexa, and Google Assistant.
To extend IFTTT you may need to use this.
We start with a local Ubuntu computer running homemate-bridge to connect to the MQTT broker. We will use Cloud MQTT as a broker to connect our plugs to our Home Assistant. We will be installing Home Assistant on an Ubuntu Google Cloud micro instance. We set up rules @ to connect it all to Google assistant. A Google home mini is used to accept voice commands. Optionally, we can extend this setup to run any Linux bash command on the local machine. For example turning computers on using wake-on-lan, and off using SSH.
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gBridge Control anything with voice commands
gBridge’s open interface allows you to integrate Google Home™ and Alexa easily in your Smart Home.
gBridge is…
…an application, that provides a Bridge between Google Assistant smart home devices and MQTT, an open and available messaging protocol that is supported by many smart home applications and devices.
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Home Assistant
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