Using LTSP on Ubuntu 15.10 wily [Solved]

LTSP does not work out of the box on Ubuntu 15.10 wily with –arch AMD64 or i386 & thinclient or fatclient. You will get this error: chroot: can’t execute ‘/usr/bin/test’: Exec format error overlayfs: missing ‘workdir’ mount: mounting overlayfs on /root failed: Invalid argument mount: mounting /dev/ on /root/dev/failed: No such file or directory No Read more about Using LTSP on Ubuntu 15.10 wily [Solved][…]

Using epoptes on Ubuntu 15.10 Wily LTSP [Solved]

Epoptes does not work out of the box! I get this error with socat /usr/sbin/epoptes-client * Epoptes-client connecting to server:789… 2016/03/17 17:15:10 socat[3057] E certificate is valid but its commonName does not match hostname Here is an excerpt from man: Since version socat checks the peer certificate for match with the <host> parameter Read more about Using epoptes on Ubuntu 15.10 Wily LTSP [Solved][…]

Ubuntu LTSP Improved Kiosk screen script using openbox, firefox, and xdotool fullscreen mode

Install openbox, firefox, and xdotool in your ltsp chroot by running ltsp-chroot apt-get install openbox firefox xdotool exit ltsp-update-image My Command for starting Firefox in full screen mode. It’s so bad! I wish “firefox -fullscreen wo openbox & firefox & sleep 5 && xdotool key F11 Download screen script: firefox Put it

VNC Session Screen Script for LTSP thin clients running under Ubuntu

LTSP does not come with a built in VNC viewer (client) script. So, I created one. This is useful if you want your thinclients to be able to remote into MacOS or Android OS’s. I use the xtightvncviewer package. Run the following on your Ubuntu LTSP server: ltsp-chroot apt-get install xtightvncviwer update-alternatives –config vncviewer #You Read more about VNC Session Screen Script for LTSP thin clients running under Ubuntu[…]