How to mount an additional persistant storage disk to a Google Cloud compute engine running Ubuntu 15.10 wily

From: sudo mkfs.ext4 -F -E lazy_itable_init=0,lazy_journal_init=0,discard /dev/disk/by-id/google-example-disk echo ‘/dev/disk/by-id/google-example-disk /mnt/example-disk ext4 discard,defaults 1 1’ | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab

How to fix the “device or resource busy’ error when trying to mount your Google Drive on your headless google cloud compute engine server running Ubuntu 15.10 wily [SOLVED]

I wanted to mount my Google drive onto my Google Cloud compute engine running Ubuntu 15.10 wily.  I also have my Google Cloud storage bucket mounted using gcsfuse. I tried all sorts of manual ways to validate the API keys the below is the only way that worked. The solution was to install lxdm, x2go, Read more about How to fix the “device or resource busy’ error when trying to mount your Google Drive on your headless google cloud compute engine server running Ubuntu 15.10 wily [SOLVED][…]

Howto create a Windows 10 or 7 bootable USB flash drive using Linux (Ubuntu 16.04 xenial or 16.10 yakkety)

UEFI compatible 1. Make variables so you can copy and paste the following code. Replace the following with your actual name, path, and device id. export USBNAME=WIN10AMD64 export USBMNT=/media/$USER/$USBNAME export USBDEV=/dev/sdd 2. Format and partition USB drive. (Only needed if your SD card is not VFAT (FAT32) already) sudo fdisk $USBDEV n –> enter –> Read more about Howto create a Windows 10 or 7 bootable USB flash drive using Linux (Ubuntu 16.04 xenial or 16.10 yakkety)[…]

How to add all Google Services to Unity Launcher in Ubuntu 15.10 wily

From:… Newer specs here: .desktop files stored in: ~/.local/share/applications A. Example Desktop Entry File [Desktop Entry] Version=1.0 Type=Application Name=Google Services Comment=Quicklinks to all Google services! TryExec=google-chrome Exec=google-chrome Icon=google.png MimeType=image/x-foo; Actions=Gmail;Calendar;Voice [Desktop Action Gmail] Exec=google-chrome Name=Gmail Icon=gmail.png [Desktop Action Calendar] Exec=google-chrome Name=Calendar Icon=calendar.png

What to exclude when backing up your entire root filesystem in Ubuntu 15.10 wily… …such as a /home partition, or external media mounted in /media backed up, you either need to back them up separately, or omit this flag. If you do omit this flag, you will need to add several more –exclude= arguments to avoid filesystems you do not want. These would be /proc, /sys, /mnt, /media, Read more about What to exclude when backing up your entire root filesystem in Ubuntu 15.10 wily[…]

How to install Virtualbox Extension Pack from the command line (Bash) on Ubuntu 15.10 wily

From:… #!/bin/bash version=$(vboxmanage -v) echo $version var1=$(echo $version | cut -d ‘r’ -f 1) echo $var1 var2=$(echo $version | cut -d ‘r’ -f 2) echo $var2 file=”Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack-$var1-$var2.vbox-extpack” echo $file wget… -O /tmp/$file #sudo VBoxManage extpack uninstall “Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension Pack” sudo VBoxManage extpack install /tmp/$file –replace