Technology Consulting
freedom/privacy green health – emf, ergonomics, open source thin/fat client 3d printing virtual machines local cell/internet
freedom/privacy green health – emf, ergonomics, open source thin/fat client 3d printing virtual machines local cell/internet
Green computing, green IT or ICT Sustainability, refers to environmentally sustainable computing or IT. In the article Harnessing Green IT: Principles and Practices, San Murugesan defines the field of green computing as “the study and practice of designing, manufacturing, using, and disposing of computers, servers, and associated subsystems—such as monitors, printers, storage devices, and networking and communications systems — efficiently Read more about Green Computing[…]
Generally, open source refers to a program in which the source code is available to the general public for use and/or modification from its original design. Open source code is typically created as a collaborative effort in which programmers improve upon the code and share the changes within the community. Open source sprouted in Read more about Open Source Software[…]
A thin client (sometimes also called a lean or slim client) is a computer or a computer program which depends heavily on some other computer (its server) to fulfill its computational roles. This is different from the traditional fat client, which is a computer designed to take on these roles by itself. The specific roles assumed by the server may vary, from providing data persistence (for example, for diskless Read more about Thin Client Technology[…]
Here is an example of how my work has helped DVSAC, and potentially your non-profit. Consultation Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault Coalition (DVSAC) is a non-profit in Grass Valley, CA that provides support and services to survivors of domestic assault. Comprised of a 20 or more employees all whom use a computer for a majority Read more about Case Study[…]
Download WordPress: Using a FTP client, connect to your account. (server: username: example password: ****************) Make sure you are in the “public_html” directory. Make a directory (test) Unzip wordpress into (test) directory Access the wordpress installer at:… More information here:
1. Try to drop a bunch of tables, and have the command fail because of a missing table.
1. Type your domain into the address bar appended with “/wp-admin” i.e. 2. Enter your credentials 3. More information can be found here:
Update wordpress Update plugins and themes Delete any unused themes and plugins Audit user list Login security askimet delete “admin” acount use complex passphrases captcha on all forms (comments, registering, login, etc..) understand file permissions use sftp or ssh to transfer file or modify permissions (regular FTP does not use encryption) Use SSL when doing Read more about Securing WordPress[…]